Livre biographique imprimé intitulé « L'Histoire d'une Française », présentant le service de biographie personnalisée d'Elefantia.


Share your life story, we write it.

What do we really know about our parents, our grandparents?
Elefantia allows you to transmit family memories, with a simple method, accessible to all. Let yourself be guided by our intelligent elephant. You tell, Elefantia writes.

Try it for free
  • Illustration d'un éléphant biographe avec des lunettes et un micro, symbolisant les interviews personnalisées d'Elefantia.


    Elefantia asks you questions, more and more personalized. You answer orally or in writing.

  • Illustration d'un éléphant avec une baguette magique et un livre, représentant l'IA d'Elefantia qui rédige les chapitres.


    You tell, Elefantia writes. Our artificial intelligence takes the pen and writes the chapters of your manuscript.

  • Illustration d'un éléphant écrivant dans un livre, symbolisant la personnalisation des récits avec Elefantia.


    You proofread and improve your text. When you are satisfied Elefantia prints and sends your book.

  • Homme âgé utilisant un ordinateur portable, illustrant l'offre de biographie numérique d'Elefantia pour écrire ses mémoires.


    -- 99 EUROS

    A quick biography
    The essential online offer
    Subscription for 6 months
    The application on Smartphone and your Computer (via the browser)
    Digital manuscript (PDF)

    See details 
  • Lunettes posées sur un livre avec des photos de famille en arrière-plan, illustrant l'offre de biographie imprimée d'Elefantia.


    -- 199 EUROS

    Your biography in books
    (Available in France only)
    Full access for 12 months
    The application on Smartphone and your Computer (via the browser)
    Printing of your Book in 4 copies delivered to your home

    See details 
  • Une séance d'accompagnement à domicile, illustrant l'offre 'Mon Biographe Personnel' d'Elefantia avec un Elefanto assistant un senior dans la rédaction de sa biographie.


    -- 499 EUROS

    Complete support
    (Available in France only)
    Full access for 12 months
    The application on Smartphone and your Computer (via the browser)
    Printing of your Book in 8 copies delivered to your home
    12 hours of home assistance for getting started, support during question sessions, editing chapters, proofreading the manuscript and creating the Book.
    See details 

...The Herd ...

Our customers testify...

  • Illustration d'un éléphant levant le pouce, symbolisant les témoignages des clients d'Elefantia.
  • Bertrand B.

    “Seeing my biography in the hands of my grandchildren was one of the most moving moments of my life.”
  • Anne T.

    "Thanks to Elefantia, I was able to transmit my values ​​and my stories in a book that I hope my family will keep for a long time."
  • Marc L.

    "Writing my biography allowed me to share precious memories with my two sons and strengthen our bond."
  • Marie L.

    "Elefantia made this process of telling my life story easy. It's intense to revisit buried memories."
  • Patrick M.

    "My children gave it to me for my golden wedding anniversary. I hope to finish it to give to them for Christmas."
  • Sylvie B.

    "We offered the subscription to our grandmother in a nursing home. This allowed us to share precious moments of exchange."
  • Julie M.

    "My brother and I gave it to our parents. It became a little creative moment between them. Can't wait to read them!"

How it works:

Grand-père lisant un livre de souvenirs entouré de sa famille, symbolisant la transmission et la célébration de la vie.

your wish

Finally tell your story

Telling your life story is much more than just a story. It is a creative and fulfilling activity that allows you to revisit the highlights of your life. By immersing yourself in your memories, you give meaning to your journey, relive your successes and overcome your challenges. It becomes a true reflection on yourself, a way to celebrate your life and leave a trace of your most beautiful lessons. It is a personal accomplishment that allows you to feel valued and enriched by this process of transmission.

Discover our offers
Trois générations de femmes lisant un livre de souvenirs, symbolisant la transmission d'un héritage familial durable.

your gift

A priceless gift

Your story is a lasting legacy, a timeless work that spans generations. By sharing your experience, you offer your children and grandchildren a precious object. This book becomes a bridge between the past and the future, a testimony of what has shaped your life. Offering your biography is offering much more than just a book: it is transmitting your values, your experiences, and a piece of yourself that will remain forever engraved in the family memory. A treasure that your descendants will cherish and reread over the years.

Offer a life story
Un homme âgé partageant ses souvenirs avec une jeune femme, illustrant le rapprochement familial par la transmission d'histoires.


Strengthening family ties

Writing your biography is also a way to get closer to your loved ones. Whether during moments of exchange, when you share your memories with your children or grandchildren, or when reading your story, these moments create deep and authentic bonds. By telling your story, you create moments of intimacy, sharing and connection. It is an opportunity to transmit much more than words: emotions, values, and a common story that unites and strengthens family ties across generations.

Buy a biography

Call +33 2 57 64 12 38

Call our team to learn more about our different offers or request a dedicated quote.
We are also available if you wish to propose a collaboration or partnership.

Monday to Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.